Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Work Schedule

So far my new work schedule of working 4 ten hour days is going pretty well! I made it to day 2! I am getting up a half an hour earlier, which isn't too bad. The drive to work is better, but then again it was pretty good before. The drive home was about the same. My expectations for the day were pretty low. I figured it was going to go by oh so slowly and just drag on, but surprisingly it didn't.

I bumped my lunch back by 45 minutes. By my normal lunch time though, I was starving. Either I am going to have to be more diligent about eating breakfast or I will have to bring a mid day snack. When 3:30 rolled around, I kept thinking about how I should be walking out the door. Thankfully that didn't last long and I was soon wrapped up into another project. Before I knew it, the clock said it was 5 and it was time to go!

Overall, I feel like I had more time in the day to get into a a big project and actually feel like I had time to finish it and not feel rushed. I am also definitely looking forward to my Friday off!

On another work note, last week they changed the dress code and it is official, no more flip flops! I am a little sad, but it does give me an excuse to go buy dressier sandals! :) In the long run, I think the change will probably be better for the office. I have noticied already the other girls have been dressing nicer, like wearing heals with jeans and more dresses.

Lots of changes, but so far all of them good!

4 comments on "New Work Schedule"

Amy on June 24, 2008 at 10:44 AM said...

That's really great. I wish I could work 4 tens. And be thankful you can wear jeans. At my old job I couldn't wear jeans, EVER. It sucked.

Rachel on June 24, 2008 at 3:26 PM said...

I'm glad that it is working out for you, heels with jeans are always fun, you should try it sometime! You will love your Friday's off!

Becki on June 24, 2008 at 3:58 PM said...

Glad you're liking the new schedule, you're gonna love it on Friday!

Angie Eats Peace on June 24, 2008 at 5:40 PM said...

Glad it's working for you. 3 days off would be great!



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