Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Disneyland is calling my name

I am currently feeling the itch to go to Disneyland. We were recently there, but it was a quick after work type of trip. It's been awhile since we spent some series time there. I am thinking maybe the last time was my birthday, but that doesn't seem right as that was back in the end of April.

Anyways, maybe we can find some time to head on down there this long weekend. And since, I am talking about Disneyland and I have been a picture slacker lately, here are some photos from one of our trips a couple of months ago that I never posted.

Toy story ride

I was player 1 and David number 2. He always kicks my butt!

2 comments on "Disneyland is calling my name"

Jon and alyssa on June 30, 2009 at 12:39 PM said...

Im right there with ya girl! But I think we will wait until the end of summer.

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous that A) you're in sunny CA & B) you live near Disneyland!



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