Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day 1 in Miami

Our trip started on Wednesday, with us practically flying the entire day, with multiple stops, Phoenix and Orlando and 3 hour time change. It was a lot!

David and Matt with their beer on the plane!

Sarah and the kids Issac and Kate watching a movie

We got into Miami quite late so we grabbed a quick bite to eat and went straight to bed. Thursday, was our first full day in Miami. We headed on down to Miami beach and went to the Art Deco district, which runs along the ocean. It was really awesome to see how they have preserved the original buildings and history in that area.

We ate at a great restaurant called Medi. I got the grilled salmon and couscous salad.

After lunch, we headed down to the water. I loved how the lifeguard towers were painted all different colors, not your plain white you have here in CA.

Then we were off to Tim & Patty's rehearsal and dinner. They had some great Cuban sandwiches for us. After, the dinner we headed back up to Fort Lauderdale and picked Troy and Melissa up from the airport. They were hungry, so we headed on down to Cracker Barrel for a yummy breakfast/dinner! Oh, how wish they had them here in California!

David was very excited for Cracker Barrel

1 day done, 3 more to go!

Click Here for Day 2

3 comments on "Day 1 in Miami"

Nanette on January 16, 2008 at 1:43 PM said...

Great recap! And can I hate you for having such a pretty smile? ;)

Angie Eats Peace on January 16, 2008 at 8:27 PM said...

Sounds like fun, I love those lifeguard towers, as well.

Brenda on January 17, 2008 at 7:47 AM said...

Thanks for sharing Robyn, I can't wait to read more and see more pictures! :D



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