Friday, May 29, 2009

Random Fridays Thoughts

~ My vacuum decided to stop working properly on me the other day. I guess it's time for a new one. This one lasted me 6 long years. In vacuum lives, I don't know if that's a long time or not. But it cleaned my college dorm room, my first apartment and now our first place. I will be sad to see it go, but I am looking forward to having a new spiffy one in it's place!

~ I picked up a basil plant from Trader Joes. I am already looking forward to using it this summer in salads. A favorite that I love to make is a tomato, cucumber and basil salad, with a balsamic dressing. Oh yumm!

~ I left work yesterday feeling great, but 4 hours later I felt horrible. I have come down with cold and it sucks, especially right before the weekend. Our plans to go to Disneyland tomorrow may be thrown out the window and instead I may just spend the weekend sleeping.

~ I was driving to the bookstore, the other day on my lunch and I passed a place that is quite unique for it's surroundings. I have meant to mention it before, but I have always forgotten to. Anyways, in the middle of quite a built up area, there is a "Drive thru Egg Store". Hmmmm... interesting. I had never seen a drive thru egg store in California, let alone all my years growing up in the Midwest. How does a place like that stay in business this day and age, especially in Southern California?

~ Since it's now summer, I think I need to change up my blog layout. I'm not feeling my current one anymore. I need something light and fresh. Maybe, I can work on that this weekend considering I am sick and probably won't be leaving the house.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

5 comments on "Random Fridays Thoughts"

IzzysMa on May 29, 2009 at 3:22 PM said...

a drive thru egg store? That is pretty random. Hope you feel better soon.

Rachel on May 29, 2009 at 3:26 PM said...

There is a giveaway for a Vaccuum at SimpleMom

You should try and win a free vaccuum!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon and I can't wait to see the new blog design!

Witness My Fitness on June 2, 2009 at 10:39 PM said...

drive thru dairies were popular back in the day. Intact there is still one open in Fullerton. Was that what it was?

Anonymous said...

How is it going with the new blog design? I hope all is well!



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