Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 19: Fishing in Cold

A lot of this blog focuses on stuff going on with myself or things that David and I do together. Rarely do I blog about the things he does with the guys, which I really should do more often.

So, today's post is strictly about the hubby!

David went on a guys trip up to our local mountains and stayed at a cabin in Big Bear. The main purpose of this trip was to go fishing and they spent hours doing so, in the cold btw. Unfortunately all week, they had not caught anything. At the end of their last full day there, David called me and was a little bummed that he had not caught anything. Well about half an hour after his call, they finally did catch some fish.

Here are David and Tim very proudly holding up their catches of the day:

1 comments on "Day 19: Fishing in Cold"

JennyLee on November 19, 2009 at 5:32 PM said...

Good job guys!


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