Monday, August 31, 2009

A Nice Little Surpise...

in the shape of a box arrived either today or sometime this past weekend in the mail. I couldn't find the mail key for awhile, so we when we checked it today there was quite a bit of mail in our box. I was totally expecting the norm it seems now a days, bills, bills and more bills.

Along with the bills and junk mail was a small box addressed to me from an unknown person in Brooklyn, NY. David asked me what I ordered online. I replied... nothing. I opened it up.

Now, it did look prettier than this when it arrived as there was a pretty ribbon with a card wrapped around it, but alas I couldn't recreate the look. :(

Attached to the box was this card:

Inside the box:

The box contained: The Cabana Boy handmade soap w/ coconut milk, Thin Mints vegan lip balm and an Herbal Sachet of Peppermint Leaves. All of three of these smell amazing! The goodies are from Dirty Clean by Samantha Hahn. She sells all vegan bath and body supplies. Check out her blog: Dirty Loves Clean and here is her Etsy shop.

But, what I still don't know is who this wonderful gift came from. The card says it is is from Ida, Edna and Nester. I don't know anyone in real life with these names. The card mentions being "Nested". I spend way too much time on the nest, but it's not from one of the girls on my local board.

Could it be a blogger reader or even just a promotional item. I don't know. So.. Ida, Eda or Nester, if you are reading this, thank you so very much for an awesome surprise and gift. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you!

4 comments on "A Nice Little Surpise..."

Angie Eats Peace on September 1, 2009 at 5:40 AM said...

That is pretty awesome!
I will have to check out the site. I always have a hard time finding vegan lip balm.

mj on September 1, 2009 at 10:59 AM said...

How cool! I'm curious who sent them to you too!

IzzysMa on September 1, 2009 at 2:39 PM said...

ooh pretty, Now I'm jealous

Rachel on September 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM said...

Isn't it a little scary that they got your home address and you don't even know who they are?



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