Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A way to help Jewelyn's family

Here is information that is being passed around to anyone that wants to help out Jewelyn's husband Phillip:

Gabrielle is doing well and will be released from the NICU this week.

Jewelyn's husband, Philip, is going to need all the help he can get over the coming months and years.

A PO Box has been set up to receive formula checks and diaper coupons.  Any and all brands will be accepted, and whatever Philip doesn't use will be donated to the Liz Logelin Foundation.

Formula checks and diaper coupons can be sent to:

Jewelyn Okamoto Memorial Fund

PO Box 235971

Encinitas, CA 92023-5971


When the memorial fund is set up with a bank, I will post that information as well!



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