Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pictures of Baby Ivy

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about how we had a 3D/4D done to confirm that we were indeed having girl. Which, I am only now blogging about it now. Better late than never though, right? :)

So here are a couple of photos that my friend Jenni took for us from our first session. Ivy was very uncooperative and we only got one good photo. But it was super cute to see her yawn and stick her foot in her mouth! The place we went had a huge room, so the entire family came out to see it, which I think they enjoyed.

We went back a week later and she was much more cooperative this time. She did have her hands in front of her face and feet above her head for a lot of it.

A DVD of the session was included, which I am excited to have. Now if only we weren't so lazy about making a copy for my parents, who live 2000 miles away!

Isn't the technology that we have now amazing?!

1 comments on "Pictures of Baby Ivy"

Diana on May 12, 2010 at 5:49 PM said...

I am so glad the pictures went better this time. You must be so excited!



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