Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's a go!

Today, we got the call that our application to rent a house was accepted!!!! We are so very excited. It's about time that we get out of this place!

I used to love our little apartment, but we have outgrown it and it's time to move on. I am most excited about this new house is the backyard for Ivy, close to family and finally a washer and dryer! Also, the much safer neighborhood, is very nice as well.

I am grinning like a Cheshire cat right now! :D

But, I am not looking forward to packing. Especially only having 2 weeks to do it. Oh boy! I keep reminding myself though, it is going to be completely worth it.

Well I am off to start packing. I leave you with two photos that I took real quick today of the house.

This one is the living room, looking into the backyard. I love the big windows. And the second one is of the kitchen.

4 comments on "It's a go!"

Courtney on January 16, 2011 at 3:35 AM said...

Love the house! I just love hard wood floors. Congrats on getting accepted!! Extra space is always nice, especially with a mobile baby. :)

Sweet Little Lovings on January 16, 2011 at 7:50 AM said...

Congrats on the house! I'm sure Ivy will love all of the space to crawl and walk around! :o) Can't wait to see pics of it all set up and decorated!

The Guddats on January 17, 2011 at 10:25 PM said...

Very fun! Glad you'll have something that will suit your family better! =-)

Cassie on January 18, 2011 at 8:36 AM said...

Congratulations! The new house is adorable...I love that little fence in the back yard!



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