Thursday, October 29, 2009

David the Comedian

This morning, I accidentally took the car keys to both cars. Opps! I realized this as I was flying down the freeway about halfway to work. So, I email the hubby to let him know and that I was really sorry. I knew he was supposed to help our friend Dave with laying sod and would need the car, so I felt really bad.
Around mid-morning we have this conversation on gchat.
H:  your fired
me: Hi, I'm sorry
H:  but I am madly in love with you so you are rehired
LOL, too cute!
Dave wasn't about to pass up on some free labor, so he came by and picked up the hubby.
Jenni, you are finally getting your grass! We will need to have a picnic, on a big blanket, out there one of these days to celebrate this occasion! Hehe

1 comments on "David the Comedian"

Becki on November 1, 2009 at 7:49 PM said...

Heehee! This made me smile <3



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