Monday, May 23, 2011

A Dress and an Idea

Ivy's 1st birthday is quickly approaching and I have been having way too much fun planning her party. So many ideas and possibilities have been swirling around in my head the past couple of weeks thanks to Pinterest and the blog Hostess with the Mostess!

I was really having a hard time nailing down what I wanted to do for Ivy, until I found the most adorable dress the other day. You know how some people design a room around a pillow or a pattern, well her party is being planned around... this dress!


I am excited. Now off to research invites! :D

1 comments on "A Dress and an Idea"

Kristy on May 24, 2011 at 10:15 AM said...

That might be the cutest dress I've ever seen! I love it!!



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