Every year on my birthday, it is weird to think that I am another year older. Like clock work, your birthday rolls around and you can't stop it. They just keep coming and coming. I actually wouldn't mind staying at the age I am right now forever. That would be quite nice actually! I start thinking about what the next year holds in store for the hubby and I, and I am excited. We have been extremely blessed by the Lord. I constantly have to step back though and be reminded of all our blessings: family, amazing friends, our church, jobs that afford us the luxuries of having Disneyland passes, going out to eat and the ability to go on trips. What an amazing Lord we have!
Anyways, I am sure you all want to know how my birthday went. In the past, I have always taken my birthday off and spent the day with David. This year I wasn't able to do this, as I had used all my vacation time on our Miami trip that we took in January. The work day went a little bit slower than normal, but that was okay. My coworkers were sweet enough to get me little presents and took me out to lunch to our favorite little Mexican restaurant for lunch.
We went out to dinner with the hubby's family and our friends to Table for Two, in Riverside. We had a good meal and then headed over to Dairy Queen for desert. No birthday cake for this birthday girl, instead I got a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate. After ice cream, we headed back to our friends house, to watch The Office. I unfortunately fell asleep on their couch and missed the show. Good thing we have tivo!
So all in all it was a good birthday with hopefully many more to come!
Image Source: Avery.com
6 comments on "Another Year Older"
Happy happy birthday! Cha cha cha
a big ol' YAY for new curtains!!
pics! pics!
Glad you had a good one!
Glad you had a great celebration!
Glad you had a good one!
Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishs!
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