Since, I last blogged quite a bit has happened. My last day of work was New Years Eve. I had a lot of mixed emotions about the whole thing. I was really sad to be leaving, as my co-workers were great. I know I am going to definitely miss them. On the other hand, I am looking forward to learning new things and meeting people at my new company, but it is a little scary as well.
I am currently on "vacation" and am enjoying it though. David is still working, so it isn't much of a vacation, but it is still nice to have some time off. With the holidays, me looking for a new job and spending time at the
hospital, the apartment started to look like a war zone. I have been able to catch up on some deep cleaning. I did 8 loads of laundry today. Go me!
I have also been catching up on some much needed sleep and reading. David gave me a book for Christmas and I am already done with it. The plan for the rest of the week, is to get the oil changed on the car, take down the Christmas tree, see my friends new baby and do some more shopping for new work clothes.
New Years Resolutions are not my style, but having short term goals are always good. I know this year, that we want to be better about keeping the apartment in order, eating out less. I think I may take a stab at meal planning. This is not something that I have ever tried. I always figured, I didn't have the time to keep up with it. I guess it's a matter of making time for it and not making excuses.
The new year will for sure bring about some changes. David has signed up to do the
Mud Run at Camp Pendleton in June. I would have loved to have signed up for it myself, but I am really afraid that my asthma would would flair up to much. I do hope, that I can join David in his training for the event and get into shape. Just to have a healthier lifestyle in general.