My car has served me well the last couple of years and my parents for all the years they used it. Several times, David and I have contemplated getting me new car, but have always decided it wasn't needed. At one point we even went and test drove cars, but like previously we changed our minds. It has been great not having two car payments.
Unfortunately, my car is OLD! It's an 87 Mercedes and lots of little things have started to be needing replaced. David took it down for the oil change today and was told it needs $2000.00 + worth of repairs! Not the news I wanted to hear. Some of the repairs don't need to be fixed right away like the heater, which blows ridiculously hot air at you all the time. Others though need fixing like the brakes and other things I can't remember the names of like transmition mounts or something.
So we are faced with some decisions. Do we repair it? Not really cost efficient to do so, since it's so old. If we aren't going to use the car, my dad wants it back. That means no selling it and using the money towards a new car. David not having a full time job doesn't help. The Lord has been so amazing and has been providing him with lots of film work, which has been great. But it's not steady, no guaranteed payday. I know we will soon be heading into the slower months, Jan - March. We have been blessed with the money to still be aggressively paying down our credit card debt. I am so thankful for all of this.
A second car payment makes me nervous though. It's a long term commitment, unlike eating out and Disneyland passes which can be cut out or not renewed. We discussed our options a little bit tonight and we are leaning towards buying a used car, something that won't put us into a large car payment. The Corolla would become primarily my car to drive to and from work. It gets great gas mileage, the main reason why we bought it.
I am sure with lots of thought and prayer about it, we will make the right choices for ourselves and our situation! It looks like my little car might be going back home to Indiana, that's if it's safe to make the drive back. I will be sad to see it go, if does!