Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1: ~ 3 Months

Dear Ivy,

You are now 3 months old and getting bigger each day. I am constantly amazed at what a wonderful baby that you are. You are rarely fussy. You are sleeping through the night. The Lord has definitely blessed us!

Physically: You are still in 3 months clothe,s but some are getting small on you. You can wear some 6 month clothes. I weighed you the other day and you are close to 15 lbs! I think your hair may be becoming more red, which I still can't get over the fact that you have red hair in the first place.

You have sticking your hands in your month for awhile, but it's only just recently that you started holding your hands together and playing with them. You sit in the Bumbo and stand with assistance. You still hate tummy time and your car seat. You have not rolled over yet or started reaching for objects, but I am sure you will learn to do these things soon.

I went back to work 2 weeks ago and I miss you so very much while I am gone. When I come home though you greet me with the biggest smile. We started swaddling you again a little after 2 months and you started sleeping for 6 to 7 hour stretches. You were still going to bed after 12 though. I was worried about this when it came time for me to go back to work, but you all of a sudden started to go down at 9:30 after eating. I wake you up around 5:30 and feed you before I leave for work and you sleep another 3 hours for dad, eat again and then go back asleep for 2 more hours.

I am really looking forward to the next couple of months, as we head into the holiday season. There will be many firsts for you and I can't wait!



2 comments on "Day 1: ~ 3 Months"

Courtney on November 2, 2010 at 5:20 AM said...

what a lucky mama!!! My kids didn't start STTN until almost a year old! She is so sweet Robyn!

Bekah on November 2, 2010 at 11:54 AM said...

you totally knocked it out of the park when you taught your girl to sleep! I know...some babies sleep better than others, but I really believe that the parents have more to do with it than anything else! So good work! Jack wasnt on that good of a schedule til seven months! Yikes!



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