Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 12: Random Friday Musings

It's finally the weekend!

~ I am looking forward to sleeping in!

~ We will definitely be busy this weekend. I have a baby shower to go which I still need to buy a gift. A Wine tasting/dinner party tomorrow in which I need to make a flan. Laundry and cleaning.

~ I can't believe that Thanksgiving is 2 weeks away!

~ Ivy went to her first football game tonight. It was cold out, so I had to bundle her up. This was the first time that she would be spending an extended amount of time outside while it was cold, so I didn't really know how to dress her. Before leaving, I was concerned that I had put too many layers on her, but I think I did a good job finding the right balance between hot and cold. She did though end up wearing socks on her hands, haha!

~ I am both loving and hating the time change. I like the fact that it's not dark when I go to work but hate how it's now dark when I get home. Ivy did pretty well with the change. We moved her bedtime to 8:30 from 9:00 and she is still sleeping through the night. Wohoo! I need to be better about going to bed earlier though.

~ It may be time to bust out the electric blanket for my side of the bed. I love to sleep in a cold room, all cuddled up in warm blankets and a with a kitty at my feet.

~ I have been really enjoying Lady Antebellum's album Need You Now, especially their song, Hello World.

2 comments on "Day 12: Random Friday Musings"

Courtney on November 13, 2010 at 3:58 AM said...

I love Lady Antebellum! My sister and I just saw in October when they did a concert at Purdue. They were even better live!

So glad Ivy is sleeping well for you! The time change has hit us hard here. Now the boys are up between 5 and 6 every morning. Ugh!

Amy on November 13, 2010 at 8:02 AM said...

I love being cuddle in warm blankets with a kitty at my feet! Although she's usually on top of my hip or back. :) Oh to be there right now instead of at work.



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