Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2: Pumpkins, Fall and a Ladybug

Even though Ivy was not old enough to go trick or treating this Halloween, I still insisted that we dress her up and take photos. So, I bought her a very cute ladybug costume and we ventured out to the pumpkin patch in Yucaipa and tried to take some photos.

They came out pretty good. It was cloudy out and Ivy still squinted the entire time we were there. :( But what can you expect from a 3 month old!

So here is what we were able to get.

I can't wait for next year when she is more active!

1 comments on "Day 2: Pumpkins, Fall and a Ladybug"

Leslie on November 2, 2010 at 10:08 PM said...

She reminds me of Charlie at last year's pumpkin patch. An adorable blob! This year he was more into it for sure. We could barely keep up with him. ;)



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